Have Any Of You Requested Reasonable Accommodation At Work? What Has That Experience Been Like?
For example: requesting to take additional breaks throughout the workday to cope with anxiety or fatigue or not commuting on certain days, etc.
You Kow What I Wonder? I Wonder How The Hell Can I Get Married When Im Dealing With Pcos? :( Man
My bf is trying to help me reverse my pcos becuase it was extremely severe :( I’m struggling so hard with hair loss
I Think That Its Possible To Reverse Pcos It Just May Take Time..But I Believe Its Possible To Reverse This.
You don’t think there is a cure ? :(
What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About PCOS?
it sucks how severe my case is :(
So, I Finally Went To A New Gyno And Was Told It's Not PCOS, But Just The Generic Umbrella Term That It Falls Under. What Do I Do Now?
I still have the weight gain and not able to lose it, I have been diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver, the cysts hurt so much, the dark rough ring around my neck is embarrassing it's also in my underarms and between my thighs, and I'm almost bald on the top of my head. It's frustrating to not have an actual answer for all of these issues. What would you do in my situation?
Edit: I have also been dealing with the weight gain and unable to lose it no matter what I do. I also have been… read more
Yeah. I get that. I think the thing she was mainly talking about was the cysts themselves. At least I have answers to most of my issues.
Is Anyone On Metformin? I Was Just Prescribed It!
Hey Girlies, Has Anyone Been Prescribed Letrozole For Ovulation?
I'm so sorry, I hope there's other ways for to get the beautiful baby you want girly. Thank you I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am too having a hard journey right now but I am not going… read more
I Am “older”and Trying To Get Pregnant With PCOS. Does Anyone Have A Similar Experience And Any Advice?
It's been very hard for me to get pregnant, too. I was married for 17 years. My now ex husband and I tried for years to have kids. We were successful, once. But then I lost the baby at 13 weeks. So… read more
What’s Your Trick For Enjoying Holiday Treats And Staying On Track? 🎃
Im tired of losing my hair
When Does The Effects Of Metformin Start To Show? I Started Taking It 2 Weeks Ago. Effects As In, When Will It Start Working?
What exactly is the point of Metformin? My doctor only put me on it to regulate my period apparently.