So when I read that metformin causes gas/upset stomach/diarrhea they weren't kidding. It's been about a month now and I want to I going to be plagued with diarrhea forever???? It doesn't seem worth it. I'm scared to eat because I don't know what's going to make my upset stomach and diarrhea even worse than it already is.
It takes awhile but sometimes the side effects come back
Recommendations For Good PCOS Doctors/clinics In Boston?
Hi All,
Does anyone in the Boston area have a good recommendation for a doctor, clinic, or nutritionist that specializes in PCOS?
I've had a tough time finding a doctor or clinic that really does a great job with PCOS. I've seen endocrinologists, done a fertility clinic at a very reputable hospital, and gotten one on one recommendations from my PCP. I am struggling to find the right person (or team) who really understands more about PCOS specifically, keeps up on the research, and tries to… read more
Thanks so much for your response and recommendations!
Different Types Of PCOS
I have been off my birth control for 9 months now and I would still go months without a period. After months of no period I would have one light for a month or two. In most cases I've read about people don't have them at all. i have never hear of anyone having longer periods. Is there anyone else like this? Also, have you found that other women in your family struggled with PCOS.
in that case im not a doctor im just sharing experiences we are all different we all get different symptoms but i do get freaked out when i dont get my period being on birth control even though that… read more
What Acne Products Work Best?
What products or methods have worked best for clearing your skin? My husband and I are trying to conceive, so birth control, spironolactone, etc aren’t options for me right now and I’d like to try to avoid a medication approach anyway. What’s worked for you?
Also in the market for new foundation and moisturizer refommendations!
I try to avoid anything with fragrance and I found this naturally scented face wash called Avalon Organics face wash with lavender and prebiotics. It's the best thing for my skin!
Cold Like Symptoms Before Period?
Does anyone else get cold like symptoms before their period comes? I noticed this the first cycle I had since being on metformin, and I'm wondering if that means this is about to happen again...
Its like a stuffy nose, headache, head cold. I feel sick (not nauseous, but like i'm coming down with something), and sooo tired. This happened right before I got my first period on metformin (for like a week). I'm hoping this isn't going to happen every time...
Hey Bell.. it's harsh.. I used to bloat like I'm 6 months Preg.. and the fatigue and headaches .. but the pms symtoms have become more manageable recently since taking inosital...hope you feel better… read more
Acid Reflux
Ever since ive gained weight from pcos I have the worst acid reflux. I take Omeprazole for the pain but i know i shouldnt be on it for long its very dangerous but man that pain is no joke. What do some of you ladies do about it naturally?
You can drink Alkaline powder (A Vogel make one in South Africa) not sure who would make it where you are.
Reduce caffeine, gluten, dairy and acidic foods in your diet.
How Do Y'all Handle The Pain Of A Ruptured Or Leaky Cyst?
My cysts really act up about once a month...if I'm lucky once every two months. I am not on birth control because my husband and I are TTC and I am under the care of an RE. When I have an issue with my cysts, the pain is so horrible that it makes me throw up, I can barely move. My husband has had to carry me before. Usually I end up in the ER with the same routine...labs, pain meds, nausea meds, *sometimes* an ultrasound. The problem is it is usually my right side, so they always want me to… read more
Hi, I get pain from my cysts 1-2x a month and it's sharp stabbing pain, and mostly in my right ovary, and i don't have an appendix so it has to be the cysts, but the only thing that helps me is… read more
How Do You Get Your Spouse To Understand PCOS ?
My husband doesn't understand PCOS & all the negative effects it has on me. Are there any support groups in your communities? I really wish my spouse would understand my condition.
I would find a book about it and ask him to read it. Maybe, this would help.
How Do You Cope With The Thought, That You Might Not Have Any Children?
I was diagnosed with PCOS at 13. I always wanted to be a mother and never having ovulated despite multiple meds, surgeries and treatments, didn’t change my circumstance. Honestly I was severely… read more
Who Takes Inositol?
I've been reading about inositol, and the benefits for women with PCOS or severe Anxiety. I'm wondering who takes inositol and how it has worked or not worked for you. I'm also wondering if you did or didn't talk to your doctors about it first?
I’ve been taking Ovasital which has helped so much!!! It’s myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol. The research and study group had the best response to the combination and 40:1 ratio this supplement has.
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