Does Birth Control Really Help?
Does birth control really help regulate periods? I know that it helps regulate the shedding of your lining, but how can it help regulate your ovulation? I've always been confused about this as birth control stops ovulation. If it's not going to help me much I'd like to just get off the pill and try other methods. Any advice or insight would be helpful!!
If you are not ovulating correctly and instead produce follicular cysts like I do, suppressing ovulation with birth control, helps clear up the existing cysts and reduce your chances of getting new… read more
Has Anyone Else Been Unable To Conceive Despite Diet, Weight Loss, Clomid, Etc?
Hi🙂 I'm Currently On Birth Control Pills But I Hate How They Make Me Feel! Any Advice On An Alternative Or How To Get Off It? Thanks!
I hate the side effects of the birth control pills especially now that it's warming up, my veins swell horribly! I would really appreciate the advice
I couldn't agree more!!
At my next doctors appointment I'm definitely going to talk to her about going natural
How Long Are Everyones Cycles And How Long Did It Take People To Get Pregnant?
I have had two long cycles recently (over 60 days) and I wanted to start trying for a baby after my next cycle (which is taking its sweet time in coming) and I am worried that that means no ovulation. Or could there be ovulation and my cycle is just longer at the moment? How long did it take people to get pregnant?
My cycles use to be pretty much non existent and I ended up using natural progesterone to get them going, usually around day 58, 60 or 70 even. I think the fact that you're not having a period might… read more
Has Anyone Of You Ladies Had Any Type Of Weight Loss Surgery?
I had the sleeve done in March 2016. I started at 349 and lost close to 100 lbs so far. I have been losing my hair and very tired. I know with the sleeve VS Bypass you are not as restricted with the… read more
What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About PCOS?
it sucks how severe my case is :(
Okay So My Most Recent Cortisol Test Came Back High..? Wtf? Every Test I’ve Done So Far Has Showed My Cortisol Was Practically Nonexistent.
Have had low cortisol show up in multiple urine, stool, and blood tests..I haven’t tried any medication intervention yet…then most recent blood test says cortisol is HIGH. What the actual heck is going on…if anybody has any insight or experience with this I’d love to know…
Aw thank you @A myPCOSteam Member !! I really appreciate you! And that is super interesting you have very similar symptoms as well…definitely makes me wonder about the cortisol role…and thank you for… read more
Are You Frustrated With Finding Effective Treatments For PCOS?
Oh and because the DUTCH test showed low progesterone my doctor put me on a nightly progesterone cream to help with my night sweats, etc. apparently it takes time to start working but I feel like it’s… read more
What Are The Best Tips For Weight Loss For Someone With Endomorph Body Type With PCOS?
Pcos makes it hard to lose weight but when you’re in your 30s it’s even harder
Have Any Of You Been Diagnosed With Endometrial Hyperplasia?
It is rare in women under 35 however, upon receiving the diagnosis yesterday I have learned that it PCOS have much higher chance of developing it. Also women w/PCOS who develop Complex Hyperplasia w/Atypia are at a approx. 50% higher risk for developing endometrial cancer (scientific studies varied on the exact percentage). Anyway, while I wait for my appointment with the gyno oncologist I just wondered if any of you have been through this and what your journey had been like.
And as far as sleep goes, I work nights. I try to keep my schedule on nights for the most part as it's what is best for my mental health. My body is best between 10 pm and 3 am I know super weird but… read more