What Can I Do For Tiredness And Every Day Headaches?
I have been feeling like I want to fall asleep again recently and to fight to keep myself awake I have been drinking coffee. I have also been having headaches a lot recently. My fiance pointed out that there is a possibility that the coffee could be the cause of headaches. But what if it's not the cause of the headaches. I have had this problem before where I'd suffer with headaches everyday, I wasn't drinking coffee back then. Any tips and advice is welcome thanks in advance.
I’m not a professional but I have learnt in my own journey through research and following good dieticians. I hope this has helped x
Has Anyone Had A Period Where It Starts For One Day And Then Stops And Then Comes Back Like A Couple Of Day's Later?
I have had this problem for a while now and it's annoying. I never use to have this problem when I was younger it's been a recent thing. Like now I started bleeding yesterday and now there is nothing there. Please can anyone who has ever been through this tell me is there a way of regulating my period. Thank you in advance x.
@A myPCOSteam Member. I tried birth control and it made it worse. The period was fine after it only disappeared for a couple of hours on that day and returned to normal after. I am currently taking… read more
Looking For A PCOS Diet/dietician...Any Help?
I live in Manchester, UK. I am looking for a PCOS diet (either on-line or in person) or a dietitian. Does anyone know anybody of help? Also has anyone heard of PCOS Diet Support? Any reviews...I tried emailing and Facebook and got no reply.
Thanks pretty people!
I know inositol powder is great for reducing cravings , hunger , acne and bringing back periods
Fish oil capsules and oily fish is great for inflammation and decreasing those joint pains
Cutting… read more
Jawline/Chin Acne Recommendations
Does anyone have any recommendations for products to clear jawline/chin acne? I'm trying to conceive and have been off birth control for almost a year now and my skin is breaking out and I get white heads and blackheads constantly now. When I treat the pimples, my skin gets red, itchy, and flaky instead so it feels like a losing battle. I need something vegan and cruelty free and safe for conception/pregnancy. Any advice?
Taking inositol powder decreased my acne. I was having a lot building up under and on my jawline and chin. Inositol got rid of most of that for me , brought my period back and decreased my cravings… read more
What Blood Work Should I Ask My Doctor For.
I'm going to try to see my doctor today about my bad wrist & also to have my bloods done. I'm going to ask her about thyroids and to see if I have low iron levels as I have been feeling really tired shake headachey ect. Is there anything else i should ask her to check that could be causing this? Thanks.
Was your TSH close to 1? Because the range of normal for that measure is crazy wide and doesn't mean you shouldn't get medical attention IMO
Job Stress
hey guys,
lets discuss that how much, job stresses can worsen Pco symptoms ??
Is It Possible To Have PCOS And Still Get Normal Monthly Periods?
You probably need more than just chin hairs. Think you'd see multiple body changes due to hormone imbalance.
Just Want Some Help Metformin
Iv recently been diagnosed with pcos in my twenties I asked for help in my teenage years and was told it was all in my head and nothing wrong it would fix its self . It's been left for to long and now have a lot of problems bad acne facial hair and many other problems. The doctors have but me on metformin and just want some advice or how it worked for other woman or did it work at all.
Metformin ER 500MG
Can anyone tell me if they have ever been on METFORMIN ER 500 MG? I have been on this for a fee years now and no pregnancy results. I use to have a cycle monthly with this but have not seen a cycle since March of this year. If anyone has been on this, please tell me your experience.
No Period For 7 Months
Hi. I am writing to ask you what you think about this situation. My daughter is 22 and used to get her period, but was irregular. All of a sudden she stopped getting it for months, was on birth control but hated the side effects so I took her to an endocrinologist who felt she had PCOS based on all the blood workup that was done. She put her on Metformin and my daughter started to get her period again but then it stopped. Right now her metabolism is good, her testosterone levels are good… read more
I can't explain acupuncture and how it works, but I can say that it works. I was taking the medroxyprogesterone every 3 months to make my period start. It just so happened that i started my very first… read more