Food As Medicine?
Has anyone tried any natural solutions like eating different? I've been reading a lot about trying to reverse insulin with resistance and excess androgens by changing how you eat. Some suggestions are going gluten free and maybe dairy free as well as limiting sugar. I love breads, cheese, and wine so I've found this difficult, but if it's worked for others than it's worth a shot. Also have been reading about inositol with myo-inositol and different supplements such as magnesium, B vitamins… read more
A little over two months ago I drastically changed my diet to low carb, no dairy, no gluten, no sweeteners and it has definitely made a huge difference. I started by taking this 30 day PCOS diet challenge and I had my first period in three months before the challenge was over. I continued and got my second period the following month. I feel a lot better and my complexion looks much better too. I would definitely recommend it!
All of what you have said is what I am doing now, About 6 weeks in and I feel more in control of my cravings, my lifestyle and my pains. I need to carry on though as they say it can take up to 3 months for the real changes to come about. I am dairy free ( though have the odd bit of cottage cheese in a while), and processed food free as to me when some people say gluten free that leaves space for a lot of gluten free processed crap. And I limit sugars too. I eat a higher fat, medium protein and lower carb diet and try my best to adhere. I still slip up so working on that. I take inositol and the research (more and more everyday) is looking promising and not just for insulin resistance. Vitex was helpful in the past. and I take magnesium and cod liver oil. I try to have a teaspoon of cinnamon everyday too for inflammation. I truly believe that diet, exercise and supplements is the best way to approach PCOS, even though it is so difficult I think it is just what needs to be done :) The only way you know if it will help is by trying it, but still allow yourself the odd glass of wine and a bit of brie :P
It's been gradual over the last 3 years. I started by removing differenthe items to see if there where any changes. I can eat the odd white potato as long as it's not roasted. For some reason roast beef does not agree with me either and leaves me in immense pain. I did start off going paleo but had to remove too many items at once and I wasn't ready for it. I love icecream but didn't want to give it up.... now I'm on homemade sorbets, lactose free frozen yoghurt and the occasional magnum. It's just been constant trial and error and even now I'm still constantly making changes
I'd also been taking insotol for a year and to start with my cycles where regular but over the last 4 months they have been all over again. I ran out and after arrived not long after now on cd3.... so maybe a good idea to occasionally take a break depending on how your cycles go
If you follow any low carb groups on on FB, a ton of people on those pages have PCOS with insulin resistance and it's worked wonders. I've just started it after reading the effects carbs have on insulin and androgens. I think low glycemic is the key.
That's awesome you're 6 weeks in! I've heard it's a good 3 months before you really see results. I've been reading up more on it lately and wanting to jump in with both feet, I just need to DO IT. I've been taking inositol, vitex, and vitamins, but I'm honestly bad at remembering it every day. I'm hoping to meet with a holistic doctor soon to get her feedback, but I feel like I already know half of what she's going to tell me. Maybe that will be the kick in the ass I need. :) My mom just did it to heal her leaky gut and it's amazing to see how much better she feels, how much energy she has, and how much weight she's lost. Lately I have been pretty proud that most things in my grocery cart are not processed. The cheese and bread is my weakness, but I've been cutting back so maybe it'll be easier than I think to just cut it out. Gotta work on finding some recipes and learning how to cook. As well as how to not get upset at myself for cheating. All things in moderation, right? Did you just cut it all out at once or ease into it? Do you have any go-to foods that have helped your cravings? I'm also not sure that the supplements have helped or not - I haven't really noticed a difference.
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