At work I am finding myself doing off phone work more than on phone work and I am trying to train myself to not eat unless it's my breaks, I am struggling with this and I have brought in fruit to snack on rather than sweets and crisps but I want to get out of this habit can anyone suggest anything I can do to help or is it just my lack of will power holding me back??
Anything would be helpful.
For me .. everytime i think of sweet snacks (im a sweettooth) i think about what that food will do to my body appearance and blood glucose and i take a step back. I always insure i ask myself this question before i binge on sugars. It helps most of the times where i find myself grabbing low GI snacks like fruits nuts and vegetables. All it takes for me is my loyalty to my diet and the goal i need to reach. My main goal is to protect against later consequences of PCOS like diabetes and cardiovascular disease because it scares me as hell.
I found something little, as Sami said nuts, or I signed up to Graze so get little snacks that depending on what box type you go for can be quite good.xx
A small amount of nuts can help too.. They seem to fill you up and have help me.stop snacking xx
Adipex was a life savor for me and it helped me drop 40 lbs in 3 months!!!
Adding some protein should hold your hunger
Snacking instead of full meals I find better to control insulin. Instead of fruit try almonds, hummus ect. Try to match carbs with protein. Have water to sip on well help to fill habit of the hand feeding the mouth
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