For Those Taking Metformin How Strong Of A Dose Is It And Did It Cause Ill Effects?
My doctor put me on 1000mgs and I started taking it this morning and I have had horrible stomach cramps since. I didn't know if that's a normal dose
Try taking it right after you eat dinner. That is what my Dr advised me to do when I had issues and it helped soo much.
You have to work up to it. When I started, I had a quarter dose for a couple of weeks, then a half dose, then a 3/4 dose, then the full dose but I got stomach cramps so they put me on the slow release ones and they're much better. Now I just take one a day.
I had issues when I first took it so I was advised to take it at night. Also, see if they will try the slow release one. I'm on that now and it is much better!
I took mine at night when I went to bed to avoid the tummy issues. Also when I started my doc had me slowly introduce it to my system. 500mg a day per week then 1000 the next etc
I am on 500 right now, and my doctor is going to increase it up to 1000 eventually. It made me feel really sick, so I started to eat every 3-4 hours (small amnts) which helps with the nausea. If I tried to eat anything more than a small amount of carbs it made my stomach hurt too. Now my body is used to the dosage, so I don't have as many problems... well, I still do with carbs, but not too much other issues.
When Does The Effects Of Metformin Start To Show? I Started Taking It 2 Weeks Ago. Effects As In, When Will It Start Working?
Hey Girlies, Have Any Of You Been Prescribed Metformin? If So Has It Helped Your PCOS Or Did It Stay The Same?
I Feel So Alone