Has Anyone Got Any Advice On How To Reduce Stomach Bloating When Starting Metformin.
I've recently re started metformin and I'm having some difficult side effects. The major one is stomach bloating. When I go to bed at night my stomach is rock hard, painful and I look about 7 months pregnant. I'm eating low GI and given up dairy. It's keeping me up into the early hours of the morning. Has anyone else had this? Does it go away and does anyone know how I might stop manage it.
If you figure it out let me know. I ended up getting gasex and this didn't help much. I feel ya.
I had mine switched to the extended release. It helped so much. When it was switched they also lowered my dose and I don't have nearly as many issues. I have IBS and Celiac so I thought that it would be no big deal to deal with the side effects. Boy was I wrong. After months I finally asked to switch. I would see if you could do that. If you are already on the ER version, I would call and ask the doctor if there is anything you can do.
It's a real nightmare. I've completely fallen off it again because I had too much to do this weekend.lol try again next week.
Severe Bloating
No Periods