Uplifting PCOS Blogs?
Does anyone know of any blogs that are related to PCOS and how to heal it? Looking for something not centered around getting pregnant. I know of one by a woman named Sarah Lemkus, and she talks about how she solved her PCOS and lost weight through food, etc. I love reading about it! Let me know if you guys know of anything similar :)
Tina Beznec! "Fight against fat by Tina Beznec" on facebook!
PCOS Diva is a great site. She's very down to earth and has tons of podcasts with experts in the field.
@A myPCOSteam Member what is her name?
There's a lady who blogs about becoming a vegan. Reversed her PCOS completely.
Treatment Options?
Does Anyone Experience Extreme Bouts Of Bloating When They Eat?