Is Acid Reflex/heartburn Related To PCOS?
I have had really bad acid reflex/heartburn for the past couple years. Here recently I have had to take 2-3 tums a couple times a day just to settle it down. Is this related to PCOS or could it be something else unrelated? I know acid reflex can lead to esophagus cancer but I'm really hoping it's not that.
I have had acid reflux/heartburn for a long time now. I was on omeprazole for it for 6 years, until this year, when I found out it was making me extremely anemic. My doctor was ordering scopes and scans to look for internal bleeding and hematology appointments for infusions because my blood count was so low! I read that you need stomach acid for your body to absorb Iron, I went off of Omeprazole and my blood count and iron levels are much, much better now! - However, I have reflux again... I think it is because of the abdominal weight with PCOS... Like it pushes the top of the stomach up into the bottom of the esophagus and weakens the sphincter that is supposed to keep the acid in the stomach.... :-/ I'm back to TUMS myself. I still get reflux, but at least it's not super acidic.
Hmm... now I am wondering... a couple of years ago I went in for some abdomibal pains... prior to that I would get alot of acid reflux but payed it no mind until I had to go to the hospital. They ran test and told me we are prepping you for surgery to remove the gall bladder.
But even after removing the gall bladder (which has been like 5 years now) I continue to have acid reflux. I feel lately like it's getting worse. Sometimes even when I don't eat for a couple of hrs. It's so odd... I didn't know that's also related to
I sometimes get acid reflux, digestive issues are common with PCOS.
i only drink soda on special occasions
I get acid reflux a lot! Don't know what your diet is like, but I've found cutting back on soda helps a ton! Or if I really want some soda, I eat some almonds with it.
Treatment Options?
Does Anyone Experience Extreme Bouts Of Bloating When They Eat?