Is It Just The PCOS Or Am I Pregnant
I've been feeling crummy lately and I don't know whether it's just new symptoms or something different. Every time I eat, no matter what it is, I feel nauseous.. I'm sleepy all the time and I'm moody. Mild breast tenderness and pressure on my lower abdomen, it feels like someone is pressing on my uterus, it's not painful it's just uncomfortable. I don't want to take a test yet bc I don't think I can handle seeing another Negative test just yet. I had a period last month and he month before so… read more
Also, you can test at two weeks after possible conception. My fertility/endo doctor taught me this, both times I tested positive I was only two weeks out from IUI.
No sense being anxious longer than necessary, you're putting yourself through stress with waiting and wondering as well. I hated the negative tests so much, but I also hated wondering and waiting. It is a tough call, I feel for you.
I do have to say that your symptoms match mine the two times I was pregnant. Very very tired both times, and all the things you listed.
It is different. It's painful and I don't get moody or nauseous pre period. It hurts to walk or move.
I would say talk to your doctor. Is this different from your pre-period symptoms? I know periods are different for everyone. It also may be too early to take a pregnancy test. I know all of this is not exactly helpful. :/. Still I wish you the best.
Treatment Options?
Does Anyone Experience Extreme Bouts Of Bloating When They Eat?