Anyone Experience Lower Leg Pain And Edema? (pain In Arms And Back Aswell)
Ok, so I went for my annual physical last week. I told the doctor I get stomach pains in my lower abdomen. And I get a period once every 4 months. But he noticed my lower legs and feet were swollen. He said it was edema. I was like "huh?" So he tested me for kidney, liver and heart function. Ok so now I'm worried. I never had this. But tomorrow will be a week since my if there was anything serious they would call right? I googled lower leg edema and I got scared. I saw it has to do… read more
Hi Enrpannell,
Thanks! I hope all is well with you. I think I will give the compression socks a try.i haven't heard from the doctor which I'm assuming everything is good. But to make sure i Will be seeing the doctor again in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for your help
I hope everything is okay. I’m on my feet a lot at work so I wear compression socks to prevent edema in my legs and feet. It’s from blood pooling and puffing up the skin, somewhat normal in certain situations. There’s also a wide range of how severe edema can be. Mine is only mild if I’m standing all day. I hope you’re test result all come back normal.
Doctor Or NP
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