Are All These Things Linked?
Okay, so I’m new to this so I’m not exactly sure how it works. I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 18 but it was kind of brushed off by the doctors and told to take the pill.
Does anyone else suffer with fatigue and sugar crashes? Also joint pain (which I always put down to hypermobility but im now thinking potentially not), anexity over really stupid things and hormone surges. Also I get pain in my sides at week before I get my period, assumed something to do with ovulation.
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Find another Dr. I have all those symptoms. My dr has helped me check my vitamin levels and suggested a potassium/mag combo as well as vitamin D and B complex. I felt better after about a month. I slacked on taking them and now crashing again😔
Most of the symptoms are linked even thought you keep getting told it isn't I've had pcos since my teens I'm now 34 and it's really bad at times where I'm doubled over in pain can sleep for weeks etc
First of all sorry for late reply chromium helps with the symptoms of pcos and I’ve been taking it for 3months and it’s worked wonders it also has multiple uses ie depression,moods,
Thanks, the joint thing is probably my hypomobility, but I was doing a little research and it came up on the list. I take supplements daily which seem to help with fatigue a bit. I’m not iron deficient they checked for both my levels and stores on my last blood test. I actually take the supplements (tends to be berocca) because magnesmium is really good for helping to prevent migraines :) but some days I don’t find it really helps with the fatigue.
I can relate to the fatigue, hormone surges, and period pain. I take a daily vitamin, and that actually does seem to help with the fatigue a little (perhaps I was slightly iron deficient). However, I've never experienced any kind of joint pain.
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