Prolonged Bleeding, Help!
In the beginning of July 2017 I started to get a light period with brown-ish blood. I’ve had PCOS and absent periods since I was 12 so I figured this was just a period for me. Well it lasted 4 months and turned into red blood and semi-heavy bleeding. I went to my endo and he prescribed 4 BC pills/day for 4 days 3 for 3 and 2 for 2 to stop the bleeding. This worked until I got on the 1 active pill. I now have a new endo and she prescribed 2 BC pills/day for 3 weeks and that worked until I got on… read more
Back in 2012/2013 I had a constant heavy period that went on for 7 months!
I was tired and very depressed and was embarrassed to spend so much time in the toilets at work ‘changing’. I was going through a box of tampons a day plus towels for back up.
Being in my 40’s there were limited choices with regard to bc pills and my GP was reluctant to mess with my hormones any more. It came down to 2 choices try a coil or have a full hysterectomy.
While I was deciding I also had an internal ultrasound to see if there was anything going on. I’d been diagnosed with PCOS at 17 so being shown cystic ovaries wasn’t a shock. Other than that they couldn’t find anything else wrong.
I had gained weight and one day I woke up very thirsty and the thirst was constant, I also found that my glasses gave me a headache as they were suddenly too strong. I knew straight away it was diabetes and went immediately to my GP.
It was soon confirmed and I was put on Metformin.
Within a week my period stopped.
A year later it came back but was normal and only lasted 5 days.
It came again a month later.
For the last 3 years I have had normal regular periods (first time in over 20 years).
I never had the coil, my bits are still intact and I’m not on any bc or hormone pills.
I had to try 4 bc pills before I found the right one. I would always cramp and clot allot. I had my first cyst burst when i was a senior in high school.
Since my full hysterectomy die to heavy bleeding and loaded with cysts ive been recently put on metformin die to weight and risk of diabetes. Honestly no change.
Sorry to hear that. It may just be the type of BC you’re being prescribed. I had absent periods since I was 13. When my doctor put me on minastrin, I had a heavy never ending period. It last about 2 months so she switched it to Zovia and it solved that issue. I’m not sure if metformin will solve the issue. Metformin never effected my periods...just made me sick. Maybe talk to an OBGYN.
My mom on the other hand, does not have PCOS but does have really bad bleeding though she is supposed to be in menopause. She’s had a couple DNCs to solve the issue.
BC has been the only thing that’s has helped my pcos. I take Ashlyna which makes me have a period every 3 months instead of every month not many side effects either. I hope you find something that works for you because I know I would be miserable :(
Thats happening to me righ now it started in november and it didnt stop im scared and im depress
Has Anyone Ever Been Put On Progesterone To Stop Prolonged Bleeding But Still Bleeding/spotting Through 10 Day Course?
Abnormal Bleeding !
What Steps Have You Taken To Stop Prolonged Mental Periods