What To Ask My PCP To Get The Most Help
Hi all. I'm new on here. I have an appointment with my primary care physician Monday. I've been diagnosed with PCOS and since then have felt like I am not getting enough help. Since my diagnosis I have continued to gain weight, grow more facial hair, get more acne and overall feel awful. It is making me depressed and want to sleep all the time. I also have hypothyroidism. I want to be referred to an endocrinologist and/or a nutritionist for more help. Any suggestions on what to ask or say? Thank… read more
My insurance would let me just pick an endo and go, but I haven't found an endo that will take you WITHOUT a referral because they are so busy.
Try to get to an endocrinologist if you can. I've been trying to get my GP to recommend one for years, but he'd rather just let my Gyno handle it. :-(
What Treatments Are There To Help With Weight
I Need Advice On What A Primary Care Physician Can Prescribe Me That Will Help With My PCOS