Looking For Tips On Supplements Or Anything That May Help?
Hi, i found out i had pcos one month ago. I have been out on the lowest dose of metaformin and the onky thing i have noticed is light cramping on and off. Myself and ny oartner have been trying for a baby for 6months and no luck so far. I am taking elevit metaformin and fish oil tablets and still not ovualating.😞
Metformin sometimes takes a while to work. I was on metformin for a few years and my period never regulated, it helped me with weight loss, but my doctor told me I might have to do fertility treatments to get pregnant. Wait a while and if nothing changes let your doctor know.
Does Pcos Affect Joints And Give Pain?
Does Anyone Take Inositol As A Supplement And Recommend Any Particular Product? Looking Into It For Anxiety And Normalizing Cycle.