Healthy Baby
Has anyone with PCOS gave birth to a healthy baby. If so please tell me what you did.
Both of mine where natural births and born healthy too.
I've had 5 pregnancies, 3 which resulted in healthy baby boys. The first was conceived naturally with no help - was a surprise pregnancy as we were starting the process for fertility treatments and I had just been told I wouldn't be able to conceive without help. The second was conceived with more difficulty and while using Clomid - again though - that happened right before I was told that it was scientifically impossible to get pregnant with my hormone levels (I was pregnant while the doctor was delivering this news - though we didn't know it at the time). We tried for a couple of years with and without Clomid for our third with no luck. Ended up doing more expensive fertility treatments over the next 2 years and got pregnant twice - and I lost both babies at the end of first trimester. We gave up - started adoption process - and had another natural conception surprise. One thing I had to do with all three in order to stay pregnant, was take progesterone. I don't produce enough to maintain a pregnancy - so I was testing all the time for positive pregnancy tests in order to catch conception as early as possible in order to start the progesterone. I also used something called the Ovacue to test for conception windows (instead of test strips). Good luck!
I have two healthy babies, but had rough pregnancies, unrelated to PCOS. Both of my kids were “surprises” in the sense that I didn’t know I had ovulated. I had gone months without a period before both of them so when I turned out pregnant I had no idea how far along I was.
Healthy Pregnancy
What Can I Do To Concieve A Healthy Baby?
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