Does Anyone Else Get Excruciating Pain In The Lower Area?
Yesterday I went to the doctors about the pains I have in what I can only describe as my ovaries. I have had these pains for quite some time now and they come and go. A bit like period pains but without the period as I haven't had one since December. The doctor said that PCOS doesn't cause pain, but I disagree.. doctors know best tho right? Does anyone have this problem or is it something I should be worried about?
Yes, often just like a proper kick in the ovaries!
I've felt my womb contracting as if someone was squeezing a sponge out. And not forgetting the daily abdominal pain.
Medical professionals often get it wrong and most of the time it's a man lecturing us woman what we are feeling /going through but not having any personal experience of it, which really doesn't help at times. Xx
I used to have horrible ovary pain, I ended up having to have surgery to remove cysts on both ovaries. Since then I still get the pains, but not entirely as bad.
Ask your doc for an ovarian ultrasound to check for cysts.
Used to have that. When my cysts were just unconntrollable and I had a hysterectomy, it took two surgeries (!) because the cysts bursting, healing and then growing again caused scar tissue. See if you can get sonograms or somesuch.
PCOS most definitely comes with pain. I know multiple women who had hysterectomy because the pain from PCOS was so bad they had no other option. I'm pretty close to having one myself. The pain is awful. You may need a new doctor who knows more about PCOS.
All the time, sometimes it gets so bad when im out that i need to sit down or even go home
What Is Your Experience With Fertility Having PCOS?
Doctor Or NP
Heavy Periods After Not Having One For A While