Has Anyone Missed Their Period, Taken A Pregnancy Test And Show As Being Not Pregnant?
I've been doing a Ketogenic diet since January 2 and have lost 64 lbs so hoping that that will lower my insulin levels enough to become pregnant, and now I'm 11 days late, took three home pregnancy tests, one digital which said not pregnant, and the other two had a very faint line showing as being possibly pregnant. I went to my doctor to get a blood hCG test, but haven't gotten any results yet. Has anyone else experienced this before or am I the only one?
I have experienced a pregnancy where neither blood or urine showed hcg levels.... That pregnancy ended badly.. Go to your ob
It happened to me for 3 months straight (- pregnancy test). I thought it was stress related because I was new to teaching behavioral science statistics, but it was my lack of ovulation due to ovarian follicle cysts preventing an egg from dropping. Just another side effect of PCOS i am afraid. Birth control or progesterone treatments are supposed to help with this.
Hi @A myPCOSteam Member - i lost a significant amount of weight and started missing periods/spotting too. I took a couple home pregnancy tests and they were both negative. For me, i think that the drastic change in your body can alter your period. I have missed periods before due to extreme stress as well.
Blood test came back negative...
Congrats on the weight loss!
I thought I remembered that no matter how faint the line - if there is a second line it is positive.
Tests at the dollar store are onlt $1 and just as effective as other tests if you want to take a bunch! First morning urine is the best to test with.
Good luck and wishing you all the baby dust!
Has Anyone Had Any Success Stories Or Personally Know Anyone That Has Successfully Conceived Having PCOS And Taking Clomid?
Negative Pregnancy Test
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