Anyone Get A Negative Pregnancy Test And Then Positive After Retesting
I am currently on my 33rd day of my cycle and still no period. My periods seem to come in the 30-35 day range since I’ve been off the pill (3 months now). I decided to try to take a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. I know it’s best to wait until after you miss your period, but I was just wondering. Is there a chance if it doesn’t come at like day 35 or 36 that I should test again? I used clearblue Test.
Way to frippingany saying positive when really negitive and the one negitive was readdy a blasted positive ... blood tests are the only way to go.
@A myPCOSteam Member I never skipped a period though since I’ve been off the pill. I have always gotten a period between 30-35 days.
Mine always says negative even after a skip a month of my cycle
Has Anyone Gotten A Hysterosalpingography? (Biopsy Of The Uterus) I'm Scheduled To Have One A Few Days After Christmas.
Negative Pregnancy Test
How Did You Know You Were Pregnant?