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Ladies Help!!! Dieting

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭

So, I've been trying to cut out all these different food dairy, bread, eggs sugar. I want to stop bloating and feeling like crap from these foods. What are some of your diets like?

October 2, 2018
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A myPCOSteam Member

Try to find the triggers , fasting detox sounds like a good start. Some people can't eat wheat some have a dairy intolerance. My diet is fairly restrictive due to gluten and lactose intolerance but veggies also bloat me so I stick to protein and rice/chicken with supplements

October 2, 2018
A myPCOSteam Member

My motto is everything in moderation, even moderation. I cut way back on dairy - I still have grass fed jersey cow products - they have a different type of casein that does not give me the inflammatory response. I keep sugar moderate. And watch my carbs - I try to keep those under 150, nothing crazy. Drinking lots of water has helped a lot. I tend to struggle with that over the weekend and notice bloat and swelling in my hands/feet come Monday. Elimination diets are HARD but they help you figure out what your trigger foods are. Other things that I have noticed some inflammatory response from for me are; tomatoes, onions, beans. Check out FODMAP foods and start there maybe?

October 3, 2018
A myPCOSteam Member

I havent eatten for about two month i started cutting out wheat and dairy wondering if that reason i bloat and vomit but its not .. doesn't matter what i eat i bloat and it hurt so badly

October 2, 2018
A myPCOSteam Member

Yeah, because right now it seems like everything kinda bloats me. So i was thinking of fasting first to reset then try a bunch of veggies.

October 2, 2018

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