Does Everyone Who Has Cysts Have Pain Along With Them?
My OB said since I do not have pain outside period cramping that an ultrasound is not needed. Just curious if everyone has pain associated with their cysts.
I have pain 3 weeks in the month and that every month since I diagnosed with PCOS, but I think it is different for each women.
Oh and each time it happened was right before my mences.
I have had pain during sexual intercourse a few times due to cysts. I have also had surgery to remove them and was placed on BC. I also have a high tolerance for pain.
Mines only tend to hurt when I have a flare up with them, sugar gets me every time and low back pains
I have a high pain tolerance as well, @A myPCOSteam Member.. I have never noticed when I have cysts...maybe the odd twinge here and there are cysts??
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