Why, In This Modern Age, Is There No Cure For PCOS?
Why do some women have this problem? Are women not valued enough, still, for this problem to get medical focus in our society?
I just don't get how you can have such a problem and for there to be nothing to be done about it. No, I just don't get it at all.
very much agreed, Raven..it is a mystery I hope scientific research will find the answer to in the next 5-10 years..
Yes! I feel the same way! If this was a men’s problem they would already have 10 different solutions to the problem already! Since it’s a woman’s issue nothing is done. So frustrating.
Also, the number of women with PCOS is growing like wildfires and still nothing, but a man with ED or something they have like 50 different methods to help with that.
I'm not disagreeing with the fact that many many women are dealing with this issue and resolutions seem to be few and far between. I'm not sure what you mean "Is it really a disease" - it's affecting all of us here, so I'd definitely say its a disease. I'm not a doctor so maybe my semantics are wrong and calling it a disease instead of syndrome is incorrect.
Is it really a disease, AJB?
Treatment Options?
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