Have Any Of You Had Success Stories Getting Pregnant On Metformin?
I seem to be insulin resistant PCOS. My friends all tell me Metformin does not work at all. Should I even bother with it or should I ask my doctor for a different medication?
I was diagnosed with PCOS and started taking Metformin. So happy ❤️ I found * MET24PREG * 👍 in Google and got Metformin a way cheaper. At first I was taking 500mg daily, then 1000, then 1500. I lost 30 lbs in 4 months. We had been trying to get pregnant, so I was elated when I took at pregnancy test and it was positive! I’m now 37 wks + and having a baby boy! I feel wonderful.
My Dr started me on metformin about 2 1/2 months ago and at the beginning it didn’t agree with me. It made my stomach really upset, but I pushed through and now it’s fine side effects wise. But I still haven’t had a period. So, I’m unsure. I’m going to give it awhile long but it doesn’t seem to be doing much. I think it really just depends on the person.
After being on metformin for a year i got pregnant twice but both miscarried. I mean for 7 years of trying and that happened i have hope. You should always consult and see what they suggest.
Yes! However my stomach didn't like it.
It depends on the person because for me my body didn’t agree with it had bad side effects.
Conceiving With Metformin
Metformin 850mg Tablets