How Did You Explain To Your Partner About Your PCOS?
I didn’t know much about the condition at the time I met my partner other than being told at the age of 15 that it’s highly likely I’ll have trouble conceiving. At the age of 20, after a year of being together, the subject of children came up. That’s when I shared with him that I have this condition and will have trouble conceiving. He said it takes as long as it takes, and if it never happens he still has me. 12 years later and though we’re still on our journey, we’re married and still very much together x
When I first started talking to my boyfriend about my condition I explained the basic details about it and then I explained the medical details about it. When I found out that I wasn't ovulating and would have difficulty conceiving in the future I spoke to him about it and asked if this would change our relationship and he told me that this wouldn't change anything about our relationship and that he would still love me for me and would help me in anyway he could.
I didnt really have to tell him myself we had been trying for to conceive for over 1 year when nothing had happened we went together to the GP who referred us both for tests. We went to every appointment together. And the proffessionals explained everything. As us women do i reasearched PCOS myself and found loads of answers So when my other half asked question he hadnt asked with the docs i had explainations. He is very supportive and comforts me during the times i really struggle. We have been together 10 years now and im so lucky to have him at my side
I was 19 at the time and was having an ultrasound done because my right ovary hurt really bad during a pelvic exam at my obgyn office. They kept on asking me all these questions and told me that I had pcos because they found the pearl like cysts in my ovaries and sent me on my way. I called my boyfriend (we are married now) and told him but we didn’t know what it was at the time.
Once when we did a little research on pcos we saw that it can cause infertility and I mentioned it to him. He said that it does not matter to him at all and that he loves me for me. We are still unsure after being together for 9 years now if we do want children. If we do decide we want children we will enjoy the ride of not having to use protection. I guess that’s the only thing we can do in a situation like this lol. Plus I refuse to go on more medication than what I need to be on so we know that trying for a kid will not be easy. Everyone in his family, my family, and close friends know that I have pcos and know that I might never be able to have a child of my own. I’ve come to terms with everything and just thank my lucky stars every day that it is not a life threatening condition.
I told My fiance about it as soon as i found out he was so understanding and he know quite alot about it as he listened to a pod cast about it. He says we will have kids will just take a while longer thats all.
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