Does Anybody Else Have Tightness In Their Throat, And Mild Throat/ear Pain?
I have been having a weird tight feeling in my throat- sometimes it feels like I can’t swallow correctly, mostly with just saliva. When I eat and drink, the swallowing is better. The tightness can feel like a lump at times, in a very specific part of the throat.
Does anybody have this issue, or know if it is PCOS related?
It’s driving me crazy and Web MD thinks I’m dying lol. Help!
I have trouble swallowing when I'm anxious or having a panic attack. It's terrifying because it feels like you're going to choke but it always passes.
Hot tea can be soothing and bring me some comfort sometimes though!
Nothing medically, really. But i do notice that stress seems to play a huge role, so I'll try to meditate and focus on something else when its really irritating me.
I have this - its my thyroid. My doctor monitors my thyroid because its slightly enlarged and causes issues swallowing sometimes, nothing severe but just like you described, hard to swallow just saliva sometimes. So far nothings come back abnormal on the ultra sounds, but my TSH levels do waiver from slightly underactive to slightly overactive so we continue to,monitor
I get this A LOT! I've got acid reflux, so sometimes it can be attributed to that for me, but I believe my biggest culprit is anxiety (its actually a really common symptom of anxiety). If you do end up finding out what is causing it, please let me know :)
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