Has Anyone Used Clear Blue OPK With Several "high" Fertility Days? How Long Until "peak?"
Hello All!
Has anyone used the Clear Blue Ovulation test kit? My gyno recommended that brand (the pricey kind of course) because they detect estrogen and LH levels. I was testing "low" (which means no estrogen surge) but am currently testing "high" (meaning that my estrogen is rising). However it is now day 5 of "high" fertility readings with no "peak" fertility yet. The box says you usually have 4 "high" days before peak.
I am excited to see my hormones changing (I usually have low estrogen… read more
Im not sure. I didnt have any for almost a year and a half after going off of bc and then they started. I mean I've lost some weight so I don't know if that helped or my body just decided to work all of a sudden.
I personally would probably stop after 7 days of a high result, but I didn't start using opks until I starting having a period on my own so I knew I was ovulating.
I'm not sure. I used that kind this last cycle and I had two high days and on the third day I reached peak. Are you taking any fertility meds?
how did you start having a period on your own?
No fertility meds... Couldn't start Clomid this month because i had two huge cysts on my L ovary. But one or both definitely burst blessing me with a horribly painful second period. My gyno says i might ovulate this month due to the way my R ovary looked. I just don't know when to call it quits with this super expensive OPKs.
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