Any Recommendations For Facial Hair Loss?
Besides shaving or plucking what has worked for you? I am super allergic to nair hair removal creams but what else is out there?
They have me on spironolactone for my hair, I just started it but I’m dr recommend it to me! Hopefully that might help!
Inositol keeps my chin hair from growing too much. I don’t get 100% to stay at bay but more than I usually do.
I use PCOS Naturals facial hair stuff. I don't have 2 shave but every 3-4 weeks...even then it's only a few hairs I can pluck. U should check them out
Laser ! I recommend the Candela laser. I had a couple of sessions ( maybe 5) and it helped soooo much. The other things I did were to cut out using toxic chemicals on my skin and hair, also fragranced clothing detergent.
I check religiously using the EWG app before buying any product now that I put on my skin or my hair.
Also I try not to eat much sugar, cut down on carbs and started doing daily yoga!
I bought a Tria laser ( saved up) and it seems ok. It’s early days yet.. so I’ll keep you posted on how it works !
Hi Ladies. Can You All Share Your Symptoms Of PCOS? Thank You!
Any Advise For Subduing Or Getting Rid Of Hirsutism?