Thoughts On Metformin For PCOS? Sorry For The Length.
Hi, I was pretty recently (apparently) diagnosed with PCOS. (I say apparently because honestly the doctor didn’t really show me proof or anything, and I did not even know there were different types until I just joined this site and it asked me what type I have). I had blood work done and she prescribed me birth control (which actually worked unlike my first birth control i used that just made me bleed not stop for weeks), and metformin. I guess PCOS sometimes has insulin resistance and can lead… read more
The Metformin can also help you loose some weight when you first start taking it...But if you can’t tolerate it talk to your Gynecologist or OBGYN!! With PCOS You can’t be afraid to call them out and ask to be put on a medication that you heard will help from a fellow Cyster or tell them out right a medication it not working for you and that you are having negative reactions to it!! Also can I ask with your dose in the morning were you eating anything with it? Because it can drop a normal persons sugar a bit and I’m hypoglycemic (My blood sugar actually runs low) So I have to make sure I eat something with my Medications I take first thing in the morning doesn’t have to be anything huge just even a granola bar something with some protein and a few carbs so your sugar doesn’t bottom out can make a world of difference even now my Simfast shakes are enough with the high protein amount in them and I also have my cheat treat daily which is my coffee which I do add a little sugar and flavored creamer to but I only allow myself one of the larger To-go type coffee cups and that’s it because I dropped soda a long time ago so I gotta get my first thing caffeine or I’m really cranky lol
Metformin as my dr told me even though you dont have the insulin resistance it helps to dissolve the cysts or what causes them... and helps with hormones i think.
@A myPCOSteam Member That’s always hard, especially when it’s a progressive type of disorder/disability. I hope there’s something that can at least help slow it and make it more bearable to live with for you. I understand what that’s like, my pain use to just be mild when I was a child, but now I’m sublexing joints and breaking down all over the place. It’s hard not being one of the lucky ones that caught it super early on sometimes.
I understand the dealing with chronic pain daily I am disabled as well as being blessed with PCOS!! I was told at 25 I could no longer work anymore and am now 33 and all my issues are progressive so it’s not gonna get better unfortunately
@A myPCOSteam Member The weight lose part is honestly what initially made me okay with metformin, since I definitely struggle with weight loss and have my whole life. But honestly, it made me feel so sick that I’d rather tough it out or see a nutrionalist over that pain. See, I already live with bad chronic pain, and I was unlucky enough to get PCOS that has a ton of physical pains with it as well. So last thing I need is a pill making those pains worse. I actually did tell her that I was experiencing really bad symptoms, and I was not tolerating it very well. She told me she wanted to up my dosage, but said she would wait a month and see if the symptoms improved. So I did what she said and waited actually over the one month time she said and it didn’t get better. Actually, she prescribed mine to be taken before bed time every day. It was 100 mg to start me off with, she told me most of the time people go up to 2000 which I couldn’t imagine with it being this bad at only 100, what it would be like at 2000. I only reached 100 every day at night before stopping. I definitely made sure to eat dinner before taking the pills, I had an experience with a different medication for anxiety that made me actually vomit so i learned my lesson quickly lol. And I’m at a pretty average range of 86 for my blood glucose, but I’m not sure if Metformin was dropping the levels how far they actually would drop on it.
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