Can You Take Spironolactone And Still Get Pregnant Or Should You Wait Until Your Periods Are Regular ?
i used to take Spironolactone before and it made my periods come regularly. which is good . i don't use it anymore but, can this drug help you get pregnant because your having more periods more frequently ? i'm not sure if this question sounds dumb but i need to know.
Spironolactone should not be taken if you are trying to get pregnant.
From my understanding spiro is great to help lower your testosterone levels, which are not helpful when trying to conceive. However, my doctor instructed me that there was absolutely no trying to conceive while actively taking it because, since its an androgen blocker, it can feminize a zygote. Meaning, that if you did conceive while on it, it would block any male hormones while the egg was developing. But I did do some research and saw stories of some women out there taking it while pregnant and having healthy babies. Best to talk to your doctor.
I'm taking this and metformin together as far as my doctor says they are to help you conceive faster because your more regular but if your having. A regular period every month I'm not sure if it would help you or not that is a very very good question I'm glad you brought that to my attention ill have to ask my doctor about that !
In short, my Endo advised Sprionolactone should not be taken if you are trying to get pregnant and if you are pregnant. When I had advised I wanted children she was glad I was no longer taking it (never really helped me anyway).
She confirmed Metformin is still okay to take while you are pregnant and if you are trying.
Thank you lisa
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