Hi I'm After Advise As My Daughter Of 17 Is Really Struggling With Her Pcos Symptoms.
I was diagnosed with Pcos when I was trying to conceive my children Im pleased to say after treatment I managed to get pregnant 5 times and had 2 full term pregnancy's. My 17 year old Daughter is who I am asking advise for
She has struggled with her weight since puberty even though she plays very competitive netball and trains at the gym
Her skin has become so bad with acne that it really effects her confidence and her hair has gone so thin and she has a lot of breakage.
I knew that she may… read more
Look up Spearmint Pills on Amazon, 500 mg 2 pills 3x daily helped my cystic acne and my hirsutism, rosemary shampoo and conditioner helps lower androgens in scalp, and I mix rosemary oil and jojoba oil and do an oil treatment in my scalp nightly. I was diagnosed with androgen alopecia and the rosemary stuff has worked better than anything I’ve tried!! I’ve had pcos for 17 years and by far my research and current regimen is acting working!
@A myPCOSteam Member I’m not on anything other than spearmint pills, and yes my hair is regrowing! I currently wear a wig, battled for 17 years with dr after dr trying to save my hair, it’s awful. But after research myself and starting the spearmint supplements, rosemary oil & jojoba oil nightly treatment, and washing my hair with organic rosemary shampoo and conditioner my hair is regrowing! It’s only been since April but the male pattern baldness is slowly covering. I cut all my hair off bc it is so hot wearing wigs but seeing the regrowth has given me hope that I may one day be able to have my own hair again.
Personally, I never trusted any BC pill. I chose metformin, and that helped tremendously.. I wish you luck!
I believe that yasmin may have been the one my doc offered, but she told me that there were a few lawsuits against it.
As am I,I'm 47 I think my body is going into pre menopause. Getting my period for 2-3 days. I think it's the pill that's creating the periods of course.
So frustrating.
I’m on spironolactone and birth control and my hair is still falling out.... not sure what else to try
Treatment Options?
Does Anyone Experience Extreme Bouts Of Bloating When They Eat?