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Hair Thinning

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭
London england

Mt daughter is 17 and PCOS. She had very thick hair but the last year it has become so thin and is just getting thinner with her hairline getting worse.

She is taking 100mg spriolactone and Millenette 20/75.

I am sick with worry. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

September 12, 2019
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A myPCOSteam Member

Hair loss is an awful part of PCOS and has been one of the hardest symptoms for me to personally deal with emotionally. I'm so sorry for your daughter. As @A myPCOSteam Member said, it does kind of go up and down in severity, and most things I have seen say that hair will grow back eventually. I also just try to be as gentle as I can, try to keep stress under control (stress makes it so much worse) and take biotin or zinc supplements. Also, keeping the scalp/hair clean seems to help (although actually washing my hair gives me some anxiety because of all the hair that falls out - again, I try to be as gentle as I can).
The only thing that stops the hair loss for me is the pill, but I can't take it now because I'm ttc, so I just kind of have to live with the hair loss for now.

September 13, 2019
A myPCOSteam Member

sorry that's kinda just part of PCOS. but the good thing is the hair loss goes up and down. it gets thin then grows back..... and it will go on like that. I just try to be gentle with my hair. natral hair die good quality shampoos ect. dont worry stress makes PCOS worse

September 12, 2019
A myPCOSteam Member

I started taking B12 and Biotin pills. My hair used to be super thick and not it is more along the thin lines and I hate it. It has started growing back but sadly it is a slow process and I do not know if it will ever become how it used to be.

September 12, 2019
A myPCOSteam Member

Im a 55 yr old woman with PCOS that was not detected until I was 38. Ive had hair loss and thinning when I have taken Spironolactone with Metformin. It did not stop the hair loss nor did it help re-grow my hair. It did slow the process of losing the hair. I tried Vivascal. Helped my hair grow but did not fill in the gaps of my hair loss. Im now trying Kerinique. If this doesn't work I am going back on Vivascal or shaving my head and wearing hats. Okay..... I won't shave my head but I think Kerinque is worth a try. Only prob is that you have to spray the treatment on your scalp every day. Takes 3 - 4 months to see results and Im only on the first month.

September 26, 2019

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