I started a new birth control pill a few weeks ago, and one side effect im noticing is i keep getting dizzy spells (sometimes while driving) but i used to get the same thing happening when my anxiety was really bad. Just wondering if any of you have dealt with this kind of dizziness from either anxiety or the pill
I had the reverse - when I stopped taking the pill, I would get sudden dizzy spells in the weeks after. It took a while for things to settle down.
Same here.. they keep telling me its anxiety.
I have . They told me it was just anxiety but I knew it wasn't. You know your body and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.
My bf's friend was over and talking to me about when he quit smoking...said he got dizzy all the time, especially when driving, felt like an anxiety type thing. So who knows what is actually causing it lol. Just happy that im at almost a month on this pill and i feel a little better the last few days
The first one i was on took about a month and a half before i leveled out...it kind of worked but there were things it made worse. A friend of mine has been on birth control since she was 14, and she keeps reminding me that i can take up to 3 months...but to not give up on it
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