Does Anyone Else Have Periods Thag Last For 19 Days Plus?
I have been on my period for 19 days and its not easing up........
I do! Haven't found a solution yet, but you're not alone. Let me know if you find something that works.
Heres the brand i use!! I used to have a period that lasted 9-10 months. Not even joking. I would get maybe a one week break. So i know exactly what its like. This started having an effect within one day of taking! I take one a day. Everyone’s body is different so listen to yours if something feels odd with the supplements!
Yep I am on day 30. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ It started light but now it's a heavy flow
Birth control helped me and i had regualar timed periods bug very heavy but now ive come off burth cobtrol its back to being long and painful
I would be that way once in a while. It would stop and I would not have a period for 1 to 6 months with nothing and then I would have it for a 52 day period. Not fun. The gyn would put me on birth control, it that never really worked either.
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No Periods
Has Anybody Had Their Period 19 Days After Their Last Menstrual Period?