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Lean PCOS, Pain, And Endo Questions

A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭
Shelby, AL

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS because I was having extreme pain (thought it was appendicitis for a hot second) and that prompted my doctor to refer me to an OBGYN who ran tests and ultimately diagnosed with PCOS. I'm actually underweight, and that actually makes me feel a little helpless because weight loss is the number one treatment. I started Provera last month and it seems to be working to right my periods which were hopelessly irregular and almost non-existent
But the question of… read more

May 18, 2020
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A myPCOSteam Member

Ovarian Cyst is a dull constant pain mid cycle to right before your period starts. Like you don't have enough room in you pelvic area and feel bloated. The rupture is a sharp pain that stops you in your tracks, feels like you are being stabbed. Normally over within a few hours, caused me so much pain I threw up and was in tears. ER Doctors first think UTI or appendicitis your have to forgive their ignorance. Endometriosis the pain is typically only once your period starts depending on how you uterus is positioned. Mine it retro so my pain was more in my back. But my pain was debilitating, I would have to lay in bed with a heating pad glued to me for the first two days of my period it did ease up by day three but still had to take it easy. If I tried to do anything I paid for it later. I will say I occasionally had some endometriosis pain outside my period but it is very minor. I only really noticed because I am TTC and paying attention to everything. Prior to TTC I would have thought the discomfort was tummy problems or I pull something because of how minor it is. Also Endometriosis can cause discomfort during intercourse if it is built up around that area. There are different stages. The stages are not by severity but by where it is located. I was scared to have surgery because no one I knew suffered like me and no one had had the surgery. I will say it is worth it. Takes some time to fully recover but the benefits of not having the excess hormones in your system and having your energy levels back are amazing. I don't know if you have tried Vitex to help get your cycles back but it might be worth a try. I am all about naturally restoring. I hope you are able to figure out what is causing your pain and get you cycles back. Sorry this was so long.

May 19, 2020
A myPCOSteam Member

If the pain is prior to your cycle starting it could be ovarian cyst or ovarian cyst rupture, a very unfortunate side effect of PCOS. I get them occasionally and it is horrible pain. Endometriosis is the growth of tissue outside the uterus so when your cycle starts the tissue sheds and the pain comes from the excess blood being in your abdomial cavity. The only way to truely diagnosis this is by a laparoscopic surgery to diagnosis and treat by removing. I finally found a doctor that was willing to listen and explain that period should not be painful, discomfort yes but not painful and definitely not debilitating. I had my surgery back in August 2019 and after a couple months my periods are so easy compared to before. I still have one rough day but I am able to function on that day!

May 19, 2020
A myPCOSteam Member

You can also try pelvic floor exercises that might help with the pain. I know that works for me. I always suffered from pain even without my period and I couldn't stand or walk for much without being in pain. I found that physical therapy and pelvic floor therapy has helped manage the pain.

May 19, 2020
A myPCOSteam Member

Very informative, thank you! Have you experienced both pains then? How are they different?

May 19, 2020
A myPCOSteam Member

Hey Hun!
I just want to start off by saying im sorry your in pain. PCOS is a learn as you go diagnosis unfortunately. Almost everyone you talk to will have similar stories but never the same out comes, and with that being said what one medication or test works for one women might not work for someone else. Dont ever feel helpless with your own body. I understand you said your not overweight and thats wonderful! You can have a perfect BMI but still have flare up of PCOS . Eating healthy is very important for PCOS. Junk food is our enemy. Provera will help with periods,ect. Your questions about endometriosis, ill tell you the simple version my doctors told me. Pretty much endometriosis is a buildup of tissue from not shedding or having a period ever month so they needed to help your uterus shed. My pain was from both diet and not having a healthy period. It takes time and effort but be strong ask questions and dont be afraid to get a 2nd, 3rd or 4th option. It wasnt until I met my 4th doctor I felt comfortable and actually listened to treatment.

May 18, 2020

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