Possible Pituitary Issue?
My 22 year old daughter was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. Her hormones were all out of wack so she was put on Metformin and started getting her periods again, but then it stopped. Her endocrinologist had her take blood tests and it showed my daughter is not producing estrogen so she increased the Metformin and is running additional tests. She said it could be a pituitary issue and mentioned doing an internal sonogram to check the ovaries in addition to possibly doing an MRI. I think… read more
Her main symptom was not getting her period but getting the cramping. The GYN put her on birth control but advised seeing an endocrinologist. Her GYN also said her thyroid was under active as well. The sonogram showed enlarged ovaries but no cysts. The endocrinologist had her undergo more blood workup and it showed her hormones were out or wack and didn’t make sense so she was taken off birth control since it caused her to not feel well and gain a lot of weight and put her on Metformin, which worked well for a few months but then the periods stopped again. I think her thyroid is okay now but the estrogen levels are not detectable, so now her endocrinologist is looking into pituitary issues as a possibility. She mentioned having an internal sonogram in addition to an MRI but we are first waiting for the blood tests to come back to see what they show. It is very frustrating because my daughter was doing well on Metformin and her cycles returned but then it just stopped working but we don’t know why. This is definitely a hormonal problem but now I am wondering it is PCOS, a pituitary problem or both?
I habe the same issue....what are her stmptoms? My hormones are all over whack....
Yes, I hope we find out what’s going on. She was told PCOS but it may be more involved than we thought originally. Her big concern is now fertility but I told her not to worry about that for now and let’s see what she is dealing with first.
just make sure they find out whats goin on
Hi. Thanks to the two of you that replied to my question. The thing is my daughter is not overweight at all. She watches what she eats carefully and get weight is in a normal range. She did out in wright while in birth control but was taken off it since it was causing bad side effects including rapid weight gain, but she lost the weight she gained so now I am not sure what’s next until she gets the results of the latest blood tests. Thank you for your input.
Types Of PCOS
Opinion On Full Hysterectomy?
I Think That Its Possible To Reverse Pcos It Just May Take Time..But I Believe Its Possible To Reverse This.