Facial Hair??
Are any of you ladies dealt with rapid facial hair growth? If you have, how did you get rid of it or slow it down?
I have to shave daily, I get that 5 o'clock shadow so I don't go out often but if I have to I use an electric shaver. I try not to use a razor every day so I alternate between the electric shaver and razor. I hate this crap!!
Arisha same here. Im trying at home laser next
Yes I have tried waxing and it’s back within a week or so. I do pluck it but it seems like it’s back the next day. Not sure what really works it’s frustrating.
Getting facial hair threaded helps it grow back slower.
Any Advise For Subduing Or Getting Rid Of Hirsutism?
Any One Have Success With Electrolysis?
Hi Ladies. Can You All Share Your Symptoms Of PCOS? Thank You!