Just Want Some Help Metformin
Iv recently been diagnosed with pcos in my twenties I asked for help in my teenage years and was told it was all in my head and nothing wrong it would fix its self . It's been left for to long and now have a lot of problems bad acne facial hair and many other problems. The doctors have but me on metformin and just want some advice or how it worked for other woman or did it work at all.
I tried to take metformin but it was making go to the bathroom with horrible bowel movements I had to stop taking it cuz I couldn’t just miss work or be that person in the bathroom all the time, this was my experience. Although I have insurance to pay for metformin I’m taking ovasitol, I like it better just not sure if it will bring my period only one month 2. No more carb or sugar cravings though
I started to feel better on it but I find taking it I'm not hungry I don't feel hungry . Yesterday felt sick to my stomach all day and didn't take them and I'm starving all day feel like I haven't eating all day even though I have
Sorry this auto correct annoys me
I was taken metformin for a few months i dont like hownit makes me feel i gelt worse when i wasbtaking it
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