What Resources Are There For The Perimenopausal And Menopausal With PCOS?
I have been searching for almost 10 years now for resources. I would like to help those that come after me. Any help is appreciated.
Try a holistic, naturapathic or Intergrative Care doctor they look at PCOS differently than traditional doctors. I was diagnosed by one doctor as going through premenopause at 36, I went to see a MD in the office to help me with my chronic fatigue. My thyroid levels, by traditional doctors was low normal so they would not give me thyroid medicine. My doctor has a holistic and traditional background. They care how you feel! After putting me on a low dose of thyroid and hydrocortisole my periods made an appearance, right on time every month... perfect cycles. But I also take perscription progesterone and a compounded estrodiol cream. My doctors do not believe in suffering from hormone imbalances.
That's my question. Also, I really do not think anyone is doing any research. I feel like on 32 years, they know nothing more than then they do now.
Treatment Options?
Does Anyone Experience Extreme Bouts Of Bloating When They Eat?