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A myPCOSteam Member asked a question 💭
Brooklyn, N"Y

Hi all, I'm very new here. I've noticed a few people mentioned not liking metformin which is what my 14 year old daughter is currently on. She was diagnosed about 6 months ago. I'm curious to hear what you did not like about it, what side effects you've had, etc. Her #'s are improving but there are other things going on that I wonder if are side effects or something else and the dr dismissed that idea - though I don't feel the dr's truly know enough about PCOS. I first asked them about PCOS… read more

July 25, 2021
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A myPCOSteam Member

A natural form of metformin is berberine, i believe that natural always beats un natural, never tried it myself as its not what i need i am taking inistol, hope this can help xx

July 25, 2021
A myPCOSteam Member

Thank you! She's having horrible headaches. Stomach was ok at first but now everything makes her feel sick and she does actually throw up a couple times a week. She's starving all the time but says she doesn't know what she can eat. She has a lot of sensory issues, which she's always had but they are all increasing with intensity and I'm trying to figure out what my be from meds and what may be from other stuff. I appreciate you're feedback. Thank. I'm going to speak to her dr again.

September 12, 2021
A myPCOSteam Member

I think everyone has different experiences with metformin. It can cause you to eat less , to feel nauseous, depressed , deficient in b12 , bloated and for me I got vertigo with it ,unable to walk. I was crawling on the floor and couldn’t go out the house . Until I gave it up after a week.

September 12, 2021
A myPCOSteam Member

Thank you! I will look into that

July 25, 2021
A myPCOSteam Member

I agree and this is why I’m trying to educate myself as much as possible and hear what others have been through. I literally cried reading your story for both what you have been through but also it gave my thoughts on all this validation. So many similarities.

July 25, 2021
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