Should I Still Check For Prenancy Even Tho I Dont Have Periods At All ?
Do you still test ?
I just reada girl on facebook on one pf the PCOS groups got pregnant without having periods she must have sone how ovulated without knowing, I think it’s best just to make sure if ever you need to for any reason. But if you really feel nothing no need to. There are always rare cases for things though.
I say no
I’ve been pregnant twice without having periods with either pregnancies. I hadn’t had a period in years when I got pregnant with my first. It took almost 5 years to conceive naturally with her and It took almost 2 years to conceive naturally with my second. No periods to conceive with either pregnancy. So, yes you can get pregnant without having a period. I only tested when I (or someone else) noticed symptoms of pregnancy though.
You can have no periods and get pregnant. In my case i wasnt ovulating but the way it was explained to me was periods doesnt equal ovulation. You can have periods and not ovulate just like you can have no periods but still ovulate.
Weight Management / Diets
No Periods
My Periods Were Always Very Few And Far Between, But I Have Now Not Had A Period For Two Years. Should I Be Concerned And Contact My GP?