Has anyone else had issues with throwing up every few days? No certain types of foods seem to trigger it, and it can happen from after breakfast-waking up in the middle of the night to be sick. I’ve been on Metformin since April, and it was a little rough on me in the beginning, but I’ve been good with it for months now. The only other thing I can think of is that I just got put back on birth control a little over a month ago, and maybe it’s due to my hormones shifting? (Ps I’m definitely not… read more
I was like that for the first 8 months on metformin. I stayed on it and it went away. Ive been on it for a year now. Good note cause of it i stop smoking. It also could be some foods ur eating. I stopped eating alot of stuff that helped not getting sick anymore.
When I was on birth control it made me SO sick! It wasn’t until I got off it that I realized that was causing my nausea and general I’ll feelings. When I got pregnant, I realized the birth control had caused pregnancy symptoms for me. Getting off BC was the best thing for me to get rid of the sick feeling.
What sort of foods were triggering you? I’m trying to figure out if it could be, but I just haven’t found a pattern unfortunately. Part of me is wondering if the birth control and Metformin are causing my body to have a reaction. Or if my hormones are just really really fluctuating and screwing me up.