Has Anyone Used Electrolysis Or Laser Hair Removal? Which One Worked Best?
Thank you both! This was very helpful. I am looking into it. I am going to try it. ☺️
Im doing laser, and its amazing! I looked like elvis, with my side burns. My chin, cheeks were horrible too, but now... wow. I havendt shaved in 9 days, and i only have 4 hears on my chin on the left side and 3 on my cheek. It really is money well spent.
My mom is doing electricic removal(?) Sorry dont know whats its called in English. They put a needle in the hairsack and burn it, but that only works with white hairs.
Thats great! Thank you. I deff need to change my diet up. Is there any foods you cut out? Ive also been using ovasitol so im willing to try anything!
Sorry I should have mentioned that 😂 laser. I’ve seen better results with changing my diet where the hair actually doesn’t grown back as fast ir not at all.
Any Advise For Subduing Or Getting Rid Of Hirsutism?
Any One Have Success With Electrolysis?
Facial Hair