Anyone Here Have High Testosterone Levels?
Hi everyone. Im new on here! I am 25 years old. I have been diagnosed with PCOS since i was 17 years old. Been with my boyfriend for 8 and a half years. We’ve had 1 pregnancy at 18 years old which i miscarried.
Ive been seeing my endocronolgist and she has me on metformin and progestrone… i feel so frustrated nothing seems to be helping… All i ever desire is to have a baby one day. 😭
I take magnesium gummies. This way i can stagger throughout the day LOL! I dont take more than the recommended dosage and honestly sometimes i forget too! Lol.
I take Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium gummies. Apparently magnesium is great for PCOS. When the body is stressed it looses magnesium? Not sure how true that is, but i believed it :) And well our bodies feel like its on overdrive sometimes lol.
I’ve done all sorr of types of lasers, they were never permenant. Birth control obviously got rid of the hair… i use to shave at first when I got off birth control cuz I had no clue what to do but niw I prefer waxibg and tweezing… I find changing my diet helps it’s just so hard with the cravings fir carbs snd sugar but I believe they need to be very limited as androgens are the cause and if you are stressing your body through high amounts of sugar your body is stresses just trying to figure out what to do with all the excess sugars. It’s something that has to be treated so carefully I feel to fully have no more hair regrowth… I’ve seen it work but I deal with my stress by eating sugar and I am trying to cut back so I can stop for good and fix all my symptoms especially high testosterone.
Yes I have high testosterone levels.
I have not tried magnesium, do you recommend it? How much do you take and how often?
I feel for us too! Its honestly fair 😔
Elevated testerone and adrenal glands i have. I was able to reduce them through a strict diet and exercise. And yes what we consume impacts it more. I have a high stress job as well. Stress is just difficult to manage within itself with everything going. Have you tried magnesium? Ugh i feel for all of ladies going through this.
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