Dealing With Larger Cysts?
I'm a bit exasperated as I start my 9th menstrual cycle in 4 months. Yes, it comes with all the PMS mood swings, cravings, and cramps every time. It's because I'm taking progesterone (originally prescribed because to potentially help depression? But my midwife told me to keep taking it after an exam not only diagnosed PCOS but also revealed a larger cyst that has her concerned). Just wondering if anyone else has dealt with larger cysts with PCOS and how they were treated/what the results were.
Before I was diagnosed I was prescribed progesterone since my period stopped, it brought one on but then when I was diagnosed I was put on metformin and birth control which help with my cysts, cycle and insulin resistance. I would get a second opinion. For depression and anxiety Iām on a low dose of lexapro that helps. Good luck.
Has Anyone Had A Laporoscopy To Remove Some Of Fallopian Tube
Does Removing Your Ovary Do Anything For PCOS?
Has Anyone Else Been Diagnosed With PCOS And Have Normal Labs And No Cysts?