Does Anyone Else Also Suffer From POTS Along With PCOS? POTS = Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
I was curious whether anyone else has this in addition to PCOS? I thought when I was diagnosed with POTS that it had been caused by my Lyme disease (however I went through very intense Lyme disease treatment for 2-3 years since I was undiagnosed for over 10years with Lyme and I seemed to recover from most symptoms after treatment..) I finished treatment for it about 2 years ago. but I am still experiencing tons of dizziness/feeling like I’m going to faint recently and it feels like my POTS… read more
I don’t have POTS but I do experience light headedness spells and almost pass out. I have a cousin that has POTS though, so I know what you are going through.
What Vitamins Do Y'all Take Daily?
Okay So My Most Recent Cortisol Test Came Back High..? Wtf? Every Test I’ve Done So Far Has Showed My Cortisol Was Practically Nonexistent.