Does Anyone Experience Spotting Before A Period With Pcos?
I experience spotting in the 1st day of my period, then I have normal bleeding for a few days, and then spot at the end.
@A myPCOSteam Member that's definitely helpful thank you 😊
Oh and before the past year I hadn’t had spotting like that in probably over 2-3 years (maybe even 5 years?) so mine seems pretty random/out of blue…(also when it happens it’s very light spotting)
Yeah I have…I think it has maybe happened a few times when I was younger but it’s especially been happening in past 8months or so (when my hormones have been particularly out-of-whack) it seems to be getting better/less spotting but over the past months sometimes instead of a period I would just experience a day or two of spotting and then weeks of nothing until my next period came…it was super annoying but sticking to my diet and other habits seem to be helping that slow down and period is getting slightly more regular with less spotting (Haven’t had weird spotting since December now luckily 🤞) Sorry idk if that answer helps but I’ve definitely experienced that as well! I hope it gets better for you too!!
@A myPCOSteam Member mine is normally light pink or hint of some red
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