My Periods Were Always Very Few And Far Between, But I Have Now Not Had A Period For Two Years. Should I Be Concerned And Contact My GP?
Started periods at age 17, went on the pill at 18 so no real way of monitoring regularity of cycles. Tried to conceive from 2016-2021 but made the decision to stop fertility treatment. Have a very healthy and active lifestyle, healthy weight but would gain weight easily if I was not careful. No period at all now for 2 years. Not sure if this is a cause for concern and whether I should contact my GP.
Yes definitely contact your doctor, not having a period is unhealthy. It causes a thickening of your lining and could cause other problems such as cancer if not treated.
I would contact your GP or gyno about your situation.
Hmm so I didn’t know until my most recent Pap smear that for women like us it’s helpful to get a period at least every 90 days (to help prevent uterine cancer). You may wanna ask your GP or gyno if they suggest inducing a period since it’s been 2 years now (I wouldn’t worry I’ve heard of women going even longer before but might be worth asking about just in case!) I didn’t know about this till my gyno told me a few months ago that only if my period was not coming at least every 90days they’d wanna induce it to prevent uterine cancer otherwise they weren’t very concerned about the irregularity (unless I’m trying to get pregnant). I do highly recommend being allergen free if you’re up for it though! I find it helps regulate my cycle much better than not! Hope you find what works best for you! :)
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