What Types Of Food Should I Eat To Lose Weight
Mediterranean diet without processed foods and fried foods. The Mediterranean diet is great for PCOS because it’s high in fiber and low in high-glycemic carbs. There are tons of resources out there to follow this sort of lifestyle! I recommend making your own meals and not buying Mediterranean meals at grocery stores or restaurants, as they can be processed. Hope this helps!
So I know some ppl find this recommendation a bit extreme but if you’re open to trying it I highlyyyyyy recommend it…eating an allergen free diet helps me immensely with keeping my weight down..and everyone I’ve ever recommended this diet to that tried it (for a minimum of 30 days) saw improvements in mood, weight loss, hormone issues, etc…The diet is eating gluten, dairy, soy, corn, egg, and peanut free for 30 days. After 30 days you can reintroduce each food one by one to see which foods you may be reacting to or which ones could be contributing to the weight loss being more difficult for you. Once my mom tried this diet (during menopause) it got rid of her hot flashes and mood swings and allowed her to finally lose some weight without having to count every calorie. Anyways, sorry for the long post.. I just thought it was worth mentioning because sticking to this diet has helped me keep my weight down/manage symptoms best as possible for about 10 years now and everyone to try it seems to have positive results! I hope you find what works best for you though! I know weight loss with pcos can be a serious struggle! Wishing you the best!!
I Feel So Alone
IS Is Better To See A Endocrinologist Or OBGYN For Treatment Of PCOS?