Anyone Else Not Interested In Having A Baby But Just Trying To Lose Weight And Gain Control Of Their Body? I Feel So Alone In This Regard.
I’m in South Africa and luckily doctors will help me if I push, but there is always this element of dismissiveness because you can’t possibly be suffering unless you can’t conceive. There is a lot more to this condition than the fertility issues. Having a normal cycle/weight/insulin should be prioritised just as much as fertility.
YES YES YES. Omg. Not sure if you’re UK based but I feel like in the UK there is no help or support for those with PCOS that have no intention of getting pregnant. Doctors won’t prescribe me anything that would help me get my period back because they don’t see the point if I don’t want to get pregnant, I just want a normal menstrual cycle that isn’t 250+ days long!
Hi Ladies. Can You All Share Your Symptoms Of PCOS? Thank You!
I Feel So Alone
Anyone Else Not Taking Medication For PCOS?